Reboot Your Health & Wellness
Beep Beep Be Boop! It’s time to shut down that computer and hit the refresh button on your life. Cycling is more than just a physical activity. Research has shown that spending a little time on the saddle improves your mental health, too. So if you are feeling a little shut in after a long winter, call your friends and meet up to enjoy a safe, socially distant ride together. Cycling is an easy, low-cost way to enjoy some fresh air with others while improving your overall health.
Lookin' Good, Feelin' Great
You are doing way more than just burning calories when you are on your bike. Cycling is a fantastic low-impact exercise that has been proven to have many health benefits including:
- Improve posture, coordination and mobility
- Strengthen bones and muscles
- Increase flexibility and cardiovascular fitness
- Boost HDL, the "good" cholesterol
- Aid in prevention and management of serious diseases including stroke, heart attack, some cancers, depression, diabetes, obesity and arthritis
Let us help you make cycling part of your daily routine. Our knowledgable staff is ready to help you find the perfect bike, so you can go out and crush your fitness goals.
Take a Mental Vacay
As cyclists, we know that riding our bikes makes us feel better, and there is data to back it up. A recent study by Lancet found that exercise positively impacts overall mental health. Study participants who rode their bike (indoors or outside) experienced 21.6% fewer bad mental health days than non-riders.
So if you find yourself feeling anxious, depressed, or just plain old stressed, take a step back from whatever you are doing and pop on your helmet to go for a quick ride.
Improve Your Environment
Create a healthier space for yourself and your community. Here are a few reasons to drop your keys and pick up your bike.
- Riding is a nearly pollution-free mode of transportation.
- Bikes take up less space, and parking a bike is vastly easier than parking a car. Some workplaces let you bring your bike inside.
- Cyclists never get stuck in traffic jams so your commute time is more consistent.
- Bikes generate less noise than cars.
- Significantly less resources are used to create a bike than a car.
You can find everything you need right here to make your cycling commutes and errands fun and easy. Our staff is ready to chat with you about your goals and recommend the equipment you’ll need to succeed.
Trim Up Your Budget
Last year the average American paid approximately $8,949 just to drive their car. Perhaps it’s time we put down the keys and take a look into alternative, less expensive forms of transportation. How can bikes help?
- Bikes do not require gas.
- You can avoid costly fees such as insurance and registration that come with your car.
- Bike maintenance is fairly low cost and most of it can be done right at home.
We have the maintenance supplies, tools, and advice you’ll need to keep your bike in tip top shape.
Ride Together, In-Person & Virtually
We can agree that knocking out a tough trail with your buddy is way more fun than doing it on your own. When you ride with someone else, you are spending quality time with them, chatting, laughing, and enjoying their company. According to studies done by the Mayo Clinic, socializing sharpens memory, improves cognitive skills, and gives you the sense of happiness and well-being. We have everything you need to ride with others, whether you are in-person or miles apart. Browse our selection of indoor trainers and smart trainers, these are packed with technology that allow you and your friends to ride together virtually!